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Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 5 Maya Springboard Assignment 3 Part 2

Here's some new shots from my assignment.  After a Q&A tonight I got some good advice and changed some things around.  Here's the results.

Maya Springboard Week 5 Assignment 3

So after we created our character this week to get familiar with the hierarchy we were asked to create a set, import our character into it, and add some cameras.  I tend to go overboard with things (practice makes perfect) so I've created additional characters and some props for the bar (so far).  Below you'll see the shots from various cameras around the set.

Next week is when we officially start adding shading and lights, I started playing around with the lighting already though just to see how it functions.  I love these assignments!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 5 Maya Springboard

So this week we learned how to model and create basic characters in Maya.  The purpose behind the assignment was to grasp and understanding of hierarchy's and the relationship between parents & children.  Below is the character I created and the hierarchy associated with it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Maya Springboard Assignment

So our first assignment for Maya Springboard is to place basic objects on a premodeled shelf.  The assignment is geared for those that have never worked in 3D space before and allows them to get a feel for the Maya interface.  Below you will see the picture we were to go by and the shelf I uploaded for my assignment.

Picture to copy

My version

It's not a 100% replica, but where's the creative freedom if you make an exact replica of something?!?  Anywho, it was quick, fun, and easy.  Took me about 30 mins to complete.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Second Walk cycle

So today I decided to work on another basic walk cycle but with arms added in this time.  This is the result after my first pass of spline cleaning.